12 December, 2007

A baby.....bloody ugly baby

Several weeks ago my husband bought my son 2 supposedly female Zebra finches, who then laid 6 eggs and finally hatched 1 baby the weekend of my daughter's 12th birthday. Sadly, the baby died 2 days later as mum & dad had kicked it out of the nest (first time parents) as this was their first breeding this can happen from time to time.
This was a learning curve for my son & husband to stop spying on them every 5 minutes. The supposedly 2 females have now laid again. I have been advised that Zebra finches breed worse than rabbits and can nest anywhere, including the seed container.

11 November, 2007

For Linda

I did this layout for Linda on Friday night at The Creative Artz Cottage's fortnightly Scrap N Chat. I hadn't been along for the several weeks and this is the first time I have scrapped in that time. I hope that she likes it.

Sadly and with deep regret

I tended my resignation, effective immediately, from the scrapbooking club to Petrina and Cassie early last month (before the Girls Nite In) so I am glad that WE raised so much money for the Cancer Council, it made my last get together with you all. I shall miss you all but, unfortunately, I felt I had no other option other that to do this.

But, on a different note, I shall be attending another Sunday scrap get together sessions elsewhere in Bundy (hopefully this eventuates). More details as they come to hand.

01 November, 2007

He's Home

Yes, we got home earlier today. BUT, if he doesn't keep anything down tonight he is back to hospital for an IV to be put in again.
He looks like death warmed up - completely different to the little man who came out of theatre with a smile. The anaethastic has really knocked him for a 12 (worse than a 6).
SO, we all had spaghetti (out of a tin kind) for tea, just so he would eat something (hope it stays down).
I can't afford another day off work, as I had 2 weeks off just 2 weeks ago, so if he is sick then Miss has to skip another day of school (as dad can't do 2 things at once apparently, but mums can do more than 2 at once!!)
More updates later.

31 October, 2007

Hospital Stay

My little man is currently in hospital. Nothing too serious, but, he had his Adenoid Tonsillectomy earlier this morning and he isn't doing too well at the moment. He was fine when he came out of theatre "Patient of the Day" he was named by recovery nurses. His 1st does of pain killers was 2 hours after he left recovery but this afternoon he took a turn just after I left his side to come home to have a shower and finish off my tax return (another story for another day) I got back to the hospital to find my little trooper looking quite green around the gills indeed. So upon relieving dad of his watch keeping duties my little man decided that he didn't want to keep down his little sandwich & ice cream anymore and bought it up along with blood, spit etc. Needless to say this happened just 5 minutes before the ENT specialist walked in the door to check on him. Dr decided that my little man had to stay overnight (to start with). OK I can live with that but, Gianni was sick again (after being given some medicine to stop him from being sick) more blood, spit etc was bought up - just for mum - YAHOO, thank you son!

I left dad on watch duties tonight while I bought Miss Attitude home to go to bed as she has to go to school tomorrow (despite having today off). I will relieve dad of his duties tomorrow morning after taking Miss to school, might drop into the hospital first though.

Will post update later.

29 October, 2007

My Scrapapple Weekend Workout Layout

I tried for several hours last night to upload this layout but it didn't want to go up. So, now I give up.

13 October, 2007

Hours countdown....

Well only a few hours left til The CAC Scrap Day. It is unfortunate that it falls within the same week as the Wonder Women's Scrap Nite, as there will only be approx 12 of us but still an nice enough number of scrapper to have an enjoyable day scrapping, yakking etc.

But before I even start the day off scrapping I have a fashion parade I am going to attend with my friend Dianne (we met approx 6 months ago now where I previously worked) She has been a great listener, great advise too what more can a gal need.
see you at 9am (I think)

I am still not well but, I will do my best to get something done, because, next Friday night I doubt I will even open my scrap bag let alone scrap up a storm.

Till next time - Lelli

11 October, 2007


Those who know me personally know that I will do anything for anyone no questions asked. But you know who your real mates are when the chips are down.

I am not well at the moment - I have got "A Typical Pneumonia", just a few weeks after having "Influenza A". YES! I was immunised earlier this year but I still got sick anyway, just a week before the Girls Nite In fundraiser, glad I got sick before and not during.

Time to take another antihistamine and off to bed for me.

19 September, 2007

Scrap Day

If you are interested in coming along with me call Sandra & Carol at the CAC & book a place, but be quick there aren't too many places left.

18 September, 2007


I know I have been a slacker lately by not posting more often, but, I have just been soooooo busy trying to get donations for the club's Girls Nite In fundraiser being held in just over 3 weeks time. No easy feat I can tell you. I have been to so many stores both online & bricks & mortar but been denied repeatedly. Hey, I do understand that the get so many requests every week. So haven't been too disheartened though as I know that they can only do so much too.

However, I did get to meet our local member of parliament this morning, Mr. Rob Messenger, while I was at Mr. Jack Dempsey's office. Mr Messenger asked if I had "worked for the Queensland Cancer Council fundraiser before" I was stoked that he thought that as it means (to me) that I am getting out there and doing the best I can to promote the cause!!!!! Are you???

I will post again soon.

02 September, 2007


My son (this time) for OSS week 35 layout comp.

My NGAIRE BARTLAM jack for Sept 2007

This is my beautiful daughter. I have used papers on this month's asj comp from my lss' monthly comp (2 in 1 - woohoo). Hopefully there is no issues this month getting it up online..........!!!!!!!

31 August, 2007

My Jill G-G thoughts

Due to gremlins in someone's system (no blamed layed anywhere on anyone) but here is my l/o for ASJ Aug Comp, it didnt go through but here it is anyway.

20 July, 2007

Update Update Update

Father I must confess it has been 1/12 since I last blogged....... LOLOLOL

(Those of you that do know me personally know that I am a "sit on the fence" when it comes to religion. I know, I know, I married an Italian catholic, I was married in a catholic church, my children are baptised catholic, my children go to a catholic primary school & I am a sit on the fencer.)

Where do I start....... Oh yes that's right:

  • I haven't got to school to ask/inquire about the fundraiser with Stampin Up! for the fete
  • I haven't got any prizes yet for our "Girls Nite In" scrap night fundraiser for Cancer
  • I haven't been to a workshop/class for over a month
  • I did get a Highly Commended at the Maryborough Show in May
  • I will be working 6 days a week for the next month
  • My princess (maybe not) has gotten into Shalom College next year
  • I am on the beg, grovel, plead for prizes for the SSS fundraiser, so if anyone out there would like to donate please feel free to contact me or check out the SSS blog
  • I have done several layouts for online comps - ASJ, OSS & sketches oz (Thanks to Petrina for doing some of her magic on my terrible photos)

"Camp 2005" created by My daughter, Marie.

"Pixie Pix" created by me using Ann Lederhose's sketch.

A layout I have done recently for a LSS challenge.

10 June, 2007

Stampin' Up Sunday afternoon

Well this was a great afternoon. What fun did I have. I won 3 lucky door prizes. I made 5 great little gifts. Here is photos of 3.
Many thanks to Vicki, Katie, Veanne & Janine. What a fun afternoon, playing with new toys (not your own if more fun - so long as you don't break them).

I am going go to my children's next school P & F meeting & put it to them to have a fund-raiser stampin' up demo & all items made to be donated to the school to be sold at the school fete. I have already asked Katie & Janine if they would come along and they have agreed, so far so good.

Well, I am now officially the prizes organiser & collector for this years "Girls' Nite In" for the Cancer Council fund-raiser in October. Thank you to Petrina for organising all previous fund-raisers, I have really big shoes to fill. Anyone out there who has any suggestions on anything that they would like to see or do on the night please please let me know).

Take care,

19 May, 2007

OMG! What day is it?

OK! I have now worked 6 days in a row, I'm stuffed & I still got another full day of scrapping ahead of me tomorrow. Yes, it is the SSS Australia's Biggest Morning Tea annual fundraiser. So we "Scrappers" are in for a treat (so I was told by a close source), but, we don't have enough scrappers - So if you are interested in scrapping tomorrow for 6 or so hours, I know where there's a place for you to come & create.

http://www.i-scrap-therefore-i-am.blogspot.com 10.30am is when it all starts. I've heard whispers that there maybe a Baptism on in the church next door, so keep that yelling and hollering and excitement down when you arrive please - at least until you get in the hall, ok! ;-) Don't forget Petrina's challenge 1 of many on the day - get scrappin' mine's done - yes there is a first for everything.Now it is brag time - my little princess (maybe not - sometimes) got a 2nd place in the Crafty Kids section of the Sew What's Crafty Expo earlier today. She doesn't get it from me though, cause I can't even draw stick man any better than a 2 year old (sad huh!)

Fingers, toes, everything crossed that the Maryborough yearly show shows some compassion, this year (if I am good enough to win anything) it actually pays, $3-00 for a 1st & $1.75 for a 2nd & 50c for a 3rd. YAHOO. Getting paid for doing what I love to do to pass the time away. LOL!!!!

Oh, I almost forgot CONGRATS again goes to Petrina for taking out the MASTERS SECTION of the Sew What's Crafty Expo earlier today. So ladies/gents (as if anyone is going to read this) there is going to be chockies tomorrow (so I've been lead to believe)then it's on!

SEE YOU THERE, thinking of you Stephanie - hope your feeling a little better today than yesterday & better still tomorrow.


14 May, 2007

Please keep Stephanie in your prayers

I would like you all to keep Stephanie in your prayers tonight & all this week.
For those of you out there, who do take a peek here now & then, she is a fellow scrapper at SSS. She is to undergo her (hopefully) last chemo treatment on Thursday & will be too sick to join us this Sunday. So lets raise as much $$$ as we can for this great cause the CANCER COUNCIL help so many different people with their fight to find the CURE.
My thoughts are with you Stephanie, your fantastic, caring husband & children.
Lelli ;-)

12 May, 2007

The Count Down Is ON!

Less than 1 week until the Sew Whats Crafty Expo. Here is their website just in case you maybe interested in taking a peek http://www.sewwhatscrafty.org.au/pages.php?pid=4. I hope to see many of you there on either Friday night or Saturday (after I finish work though, YES! I have to work!)

Also just over a week til the "Cancer Council Fundraiser Biggest Morning Tea/Afternoon" being held by the SSS club (run by Petrina & Cassie) http://www.i-scrap-therefore-i-am.blogspot.com/.

Well I finally made it to the Midnight Scrap last night at The CAC (Creative Artz Cottage) for the uninitiated. I hadn't been since Jan 26. :-(

I must say a Huge CONGRATULATIONS to Danielle & her husband Craig because little GRACE is just beautiful & definitely has more hair than most husbands.
OK, now I've got to go as I haven't quite finished my layouts for the show, they've got to be there by Monday afternoon.

See you all later (well those of you who read this anyway)


30 April, 2007

Retreat update

OK, OK!!! I know I have been slack with this blog......
I know that the retreat was last week-end & I didn't get there for the whole time but made it for the last 4 hours. I had to work on the Saturday & at the last moment was invited to a Stampin' Up party. So I made the most of the situation none the less.

I was there to witness what a mess 24 women can make when men or kids are not present.

I was welcomed into the hall with open smiles & why was I there earlier. I must say though through mess on the floor & layouts on the walls I could see that a lot of fun was had by all, including the scrapper (who will remain nameless for now) who stayed up from Saturday morning until Sunday evening, endevouring to finish the album she HAD to do!
Well done Sandra - you are one of a kind scrapper.......

Petrina & Cassie I am lead to believe were none the less spectular as always with their layout packs & amazing ideas for the whole week-end.

So now only 3 weeks to go until the Biggest Morning Tea Scrap Day. I hope Petina isn't going to run short of bottles. I endeavour to drop off my goodies to her this week (I promise Petrina).

I have some sad news today........................................
I didn't win the EDM competition held by For Keeps Magazine. I got my album this afternoon :-( Oh well maybe another time.

Until then - Take Care (but be careful doing it)

19 February, 2007

SSS 2007 begins......

Yesterday was the 1st SSS for 2007. I wasn't feeling the best at all & almost didn't go. But a kick in the pants & off I went.

I sat with Michele & Kerrie joined us a little later with her beautiful daughter Emily in tow. Michele, I found out during the afternoon was the master chef behind our C-Cups on our Pink Friday Girls Nite In.

I finished off several layouts that I had started sometime or other in the last few months.