28 June, 2008

What can I say

It has been nippy here recently, the bleeping cold breeze blows through you like a hard cold knife.

Miss M has just finished her 1st semester at high school and hopefully she toed the line, time will tell when her report card comes in the mail. Maybe, if we could get her away from the mirror, make-up and hair straightener we might see more of her.

His Nibs did well at school this semester and coping well with his big sis not being there. He comes home each day with a "How was your day Mum?" (don't you just love it when they ask about your well being - but can tend to drive you batty when they ask 5 times a day because they forgot that they had already asked!)

Friends are few and far between but all are well. Would love to catch up more with Shannon and bub but time is so sparse lately. Hope you are both well Shannon.

Mum is off on a weeks holidays soon so be safe mum (hope that Qantas isn't on strike then or she's several $100's down the drain)

Think of you Lil' Sis!

1 comment:

Sandra L said...

Oh the joys of teenagers. I shall be knocking on your door when Miss K gets there. Or maybe I should come now as I think she is getting very close. Boys have to be less stressful....... Catch up with you Friday if not sooner.
Sandra xxxxx