22 April, 2009

R.I.P. - Marilyn Pansini

Please keep my aunt (my mum's older sister) in your prayers. My aunt passed away last night in Nambour Hospital - aged 62.
She was a lung and bowel cancer sufferer, but complications after her surgery last week, unfortunately, forced family members to make the decision to turn off her life support machine last night.
She is the first of my mum's family to pass away out of her 10 living members (mum's eldest brother died when he was 8 years old from a sandcastle cave in - many many years before many of my mum's sibling were born - my mum is the 7th child of the 11 born to my grandparents)


Helen said...

Sorry to hear about your aunt.

Sandra L said...

My prayers are with you and your family. Love Sandra

Linda M said...

So sorry to hear about your aunty,

Anonymous said...

Lorelle, know that you are always in my prayers and thoughts. Particularly at this time.